Vice President Message

Dear Sir/Madam,

It gives me immense pleasure that prerna society of technical education and research is bringing out the new platform for all Indian students, researchers, scholars and professionals. It helps in preserving the legacy of India by disseminating the news of the activities which took place in our country. The field of technology is making rapid strides now. It is more so in the field of professional education. Technical institutes need to gear up according to the demand of burgeoning industries where the technocrats are absorbed. In the present times industries cater to the global market and success in global market is largely determined by creation and application of new knowledge faster than the competitions. In order to participate in the dynamic world of opportunities, technical institutions need to acquire modern vision which may be converted into mission to achieve the goal. For the purpose they need to adopt right strategy for setting a tone of discovery, innovation, creatively and patenting. The vision should be to create pioneers in the field of latest technology.

Prerna society of technical education and research is proud to play a leading role in the modern age of competitiveness. Harnessing the best talents from the available pool of people, the society has been successful in generating talented associates who have made a niche for themselves in India and abroad. I am confident that this society will flourish and in the days to come will achieve the states of a premier seat of learning in the country

So kindly join us as masses not classes make our country best in research and technology world wide

Thanking you, Wishing you a happy new year 2025.

Dr. A . K. Saxena 

B. Tech, M.Tech, PhD(Engg),

IIT Roorkee, UK